Do you ever get end of Summer blues? I usually get a little hint of that, and especially now that I work at a school, I can really feel it when the Summer is over because it means you have the entire school year ahead of you. I might even venture to say that the Summer makes the entire rest of the year worth living. (Fresh tomatoes off the vine, delicious berries and fresh peaches, flip flops, sunglasses, the smell of freshly cut grass, popsicles, playing in the sprinklers, long sunny days, riding bikes, and obviously this list could go on...but I'll spare you.) There is one thing I do love about the end of Summer, and that is that it starts to cool down a bit where I live. And lets be honest, there is no better time than the Fall when you live in New York City.
So this Summer I had the privilege of traveling a little bit (as well as enjoy a lot of those things I listed above), and as far as music goes, I was fortunate to play a few shows out in the western part of the United States as you may have read in previous posts. Well, while I was in Utah, I had Independent Music Studios in Salt Lake City, Utah record a promotional video for me with some live footage from the shows. If you 'd like to see the video, go ahead and check it out by clicking on the image below. Also, feel free to comment on it if you have any thoughts- I'd love to hear them!
Thanks again for reading, listening and watching. More music is coming your way shortly.