Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Check out how awesome this idea is...

I am so pleased to team up with and for this digital download of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas!" We have had so much fun brainstorming creative ideas as to how we can raise funds to help families in need this Christmas.

At first we thought..."Oh, what a great idea to give a Hot Cocoa gift away to loved ones and include the download code." (like you see in the photo above) But then, we thought to take it even one step further...

..."How about we make a Hot Cocoa Stand (kind of like a lemonade stand) and get the whole fam involved! And that's just what we did! Only, there are free printables on both and that will allow you to download the cute banner and labels so that you can make your very own Hot Cocoa Stand!

Isn't that amazing?!'s like a dream come true. Please let me know if you try it and how it goes for you! I'd love to see and hear how it turned out.

And as a last reminder- if you'd still like to download the song or get download codes from me, you can download the song here or email me with questions at

Thank you again to those of you who have already downloaded it...and to all of you who have shared it, reposed it, and tweeted about it...thank you so much! It will mean so much to those we help this Christmas. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.



Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dear earth, I am coming back to you now...

So I fell off the face of the earth (according to a dear friend of mine here in NYC)...and I can't deny it, it's true.

I have had the opportunity to first go camping and sing silly camp songs... 

go to my best friends wedding...

play pretend with my nephew...

laugh with my mom and sisters...

play a house concert with an amazing band called Lady and Gent...

Eat my grandmas AMAZING peach pie (it's seriously to die for)
and go jogging in the morning with my dad (he works me into shape everytime)

take a road trip with my hubby...

drive the Las Vegas strip and ride splash mountain...

pick organic strawberries at some random farm in California...

get a sun burn at the beach and ride bikes around San Diego with friends...

all in the last 3 weeks. It's been AMAZING! 

I don't get to see my family who live out west very often, and so this time, I decided I was going to set other things aside while I was there, and I was just going to enjoy every moment of it. I hardly sent any emails, I hardly even played the guitar actually (so bad, I know!) but it was so necessary. I've decided that time just moves too quickly. It's so rare that I get to spend time with these people that I love so dearly, so I tried my best to be present. I think the realization that my niece who was 6 years old at my wedding is now 12 (going on 18) has really been a wake up call for me! I'm missing out on some of the lives of people that I love! 

So I know I said I was going to post a video a week...but I failed miserably at that this month. BUT, don't worry, I'm back now. I've come back to earth. I actually got back this morning...and I'm slowly transitioning to reality. I'll be posting a video this week and have some new songs in the works as well. the meantime, I just wanted you to know that I'm alive and well...very well.

Although there are still some areas in my life that I long for to be different, I cannot deny that I am so blessed. It's almost more than I can handle. Do I even deserve all of this? I don't feel like it sometimes. But I'm grateful for it, and grateful to my Father in Heaven for being so generous and patient with me. Really though. How grateful I am to have had these last three weeks to spend with people that I love. 

Thanks for letting me fall off the face of the earth for a little bit. I'm back now (I think).



P.S. Today is my anniversary (7 years!!), and tomorrow is my birthday (don't worry about it!), and on Wednesday of this week, I am playing a show at Rockwood Music Hall at 9pm with two other gals that I am so fond of. You can hear them here and here. It's going to be great. You should come.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Dear readers,

I went to my acupuncturist today who told me right away when she saw me that I looked "EXHAUSTED!" I guess I am not hiding it well. Since I had the wonderful privilege of having my sisters and my mom in town for a few days, and then I went to Salt Lake City, Utah for a few days...I have been playing catch up since I got back, and it is showing apparently.

Why do I tell you this you ask? I tell you this mostly because it is approaching midnight, and I know I need to take my acupuncturist's advice and get some sleep- so I will be brief in this post (at least I'll try).

Last weekend, I got to go to the beautiful Western part of the United States. If you haven't been, trust me when I say that it's beauty is one that will take your breath away. Really, I mean that. You need to go.

I got to go out that way because I was asked to headline at the Venture Outdoors Festival in Canyon Rim Park which is located in Salt Lake City, Utah right by where I grew up. Libbie Linton and Spencer Harrison (dear friends of mine and also ridiculously talented) played right before me at 7pm. They are recording an album right now that will be amazing, I can't wait to hear it when it comes out in the Fall. I'd definitely suggest you check them out.

Then my band and I played at 8pm following Libbie. I loved getting to see family and friends that came that night, some of which I hadn't seen in years. I also loved meeting new people, and was so happy to share my music with new faces. The night was so much fun. I can't really find words to describe how much I enjoyed it other than to say that it was amazing. The vibe and energy to the night was perfect. I felt grateful to be surrounded by talented musicians, loved ones, and people that I connected with. It was was really the perfect combination. Thanks to everyone who was able to make it out.

Here are some photos of the night that taken by Cristi Dame.

If you didn't get a chance to make it out to this SLC show, I will be coming back out in August for a few other shows, so keep posted! I hope to see you then.

